Welcome to our Close to my Heart New Product Blog Hop! Over 40 fabulous Close to my Heart Consultants are celebrating the upcoming release of the Summer 2010 Idea Book by giving you a Sneak Peak at some of the great products available in the new Idea Book starting May 1st!
If you have come here from Terrie’s blog, you are on the right path! You can also find a complete list of Blog Hop participants at the bottom of this post.
This is simple do to— just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! Here we go…
One of my favorite new Paper Packets is called Cherry-O! (Isn’t it sweet?) I have a whole bunch of projects to share with you tonight using the new Cherry-O papers along with some other fun new products! (You can click on the photos to see them larger.)
I was inspired by a card that I saw on Taylor Van Bruggen’s blog a while back.

This was also inspired by Taylor.

See Supply List at end of post.
Now “Hop” on over to Jody’s Blog
Remember, the Summer 2010 Idea Book goes LIVE on May 1st!
**Link not working? Missed a Blog? Here is a list of all the participants in the New Product Sneak Peak Blog Hop:
Erin Herring http://www.tazzygirl2000.blogspot.com
Carla Ironside http://carlacreates.blogspot.com
Dawn Ross http://iamahappystamper.blogspot.com
Amy Edwards http://paisleysplayhouse.blogspot.com
Tresa Black http://www.fabulouslyartsy.blogspot.com
Dawn Heuft http://www.stamptildawn.blogspot.com
Kimberly Smith http://verykimberry.blogspot.com
Jessica Moore http://www.jessicaspaperpetals.blogspot.com
Leisa Hubley http://bigredscraps.blogspot.com
Helen Onulak http://www.hookedonstamping.com
Brae Montgomery http://thebrae-er.blogspot.com
Wendy Kessler http://www.myscrapbookingblog.com
Adeline Brill http://adeline-brill.blogspot.com
Sherrie Thornton http://www.impressionableart.blogspot.com
Sheila Bennett http://sheila-bennett.blogspot.com
Terrie Dodd http://my-life-in-real-time.blogspot.com
Lisa Stenz https://www.lisascreativecorner.com (You are here!)
Jody Gustafson http://www.cre8nmemories.blogspot.com
Kathleen Rensel http://scrapbookaddictkath.blogspot.com/
Lori Scott http://scrapinglori.blogspot.com
Beth Naumann http://bethscreativeblock.blogspot.com
Teri Baxter http://www.themidnightartist.blogspot.com
Wendy Fording http://papercreationsbywendy.blogspot.com
Laurie Newton http://scrapsfromthebeach.blogspot.com
Meredith Burgess http://meredithburgess.blogspot.com
Clerissa Lewis http://www.thestampdr.com
Jennifer Kojder http://aglitterymess.blogspot.com
Georgia Hauglid http://inkygeorgia.blogspot.com
Antoinette Herrin http://www.godblessyourART.blogspot.com
Haley Dyer http://inkyscrapper.blogspot.com
Tanya Mae http://scramperscorner.blogspot.com
Priscilla http://priscillagotham.blogspot.com
Cassandra http://abitofitallforscrappin.blogspot.com
Jean McNulty http://stampinmaui.blogspot.com
Carrie Haines http://www.bizzymom.us
Janelle Janish http://stampandthecity.blogspot.com
Maranda Dickerson http://marandasmemories.blogspot.com
Cheryl Even http://www.evenmorescrapping.blogspot.com
Karen Johnson http://www.myheartscraps.blogspot.com
Cindy Leek http://www.paperspadsandpictures.blogspot.com
Nancy Walters http://njwHelpingUcelebrate.blogspot.com
LaJeania Hicks http://www.scraptilyoudrop.blogspot.com
Traci http://www.creativetraci.blogspot.com
Emma Hubert http://paperaddictsanonymous.blogspot.com
Kristine Fowler http://www.scrampingaddict.typepad.com
Amanda DesJardins http://creatively-amused.blogspot.com/
Tamra Meservey http://www.croppinoncloud9.blogspot.com
Melinda http://www.ifyoublingittheywillcome.blogspot.com
All supplies are from CTMH unless otherwise noted.
Paper Packet
Thank You,Your Sweet, Tasty Treats, For Every Occasion, Intrinsic Backgrounds
Ink Pads
Cocoa, Tulip, Sweet Leaf, Chocolate, Blush
Tulip Mini Medley Accents, Embroidery Floss, Clear Cards, Cherry-O Opaques, Cherry Chipboard from Michaels, Cricut Sweet Treats Cartridge, Crimper, Irresistibles, Blush Ribbon Rounds, Scallop Scissors, Scallop Circle Punch, Circle Punch
Wow wow wow wow and wow! Everytime I went onto the next project it got even cuter. These are all just super duper adorable adorable adorable!
Holy cow, these projects are wonderful! Each looks like a little work of art. Totally inspiring.
Wow, awesome artwork.
Amazing, you never fail to impress, I just adore your layout!
WOW. . .is all I have to say! Your projects are amazing!
Unbelieveably beautiful projects! You certainly are one talented woman, than you for the inspiration.
Adorable projects! Really like the creative title on your scrapbook page.
Really, Lisa. You are insanely talented. I just adore everything you do! Can't wait to see you & your artwork in a couple of months!
Love it all!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Lisa, I don't even know where to begin…these are AWESOME projects! I always notice details, so a lot of things struck me here. The card is so cute…the the inside too. Black cherry tea holder…adorable!! The little pouches you made are so clever! And I like the simplicity of the front of the holder. The layouts are so cute. I love how the cherry embellishment is hanging on the "C." I'm a big fan of it all, in case you couldn't tell 🙂
Oh my, every single project is so fun!!
Your talent blows me away!!
Thanks for all of the inspiration!
Fabtacular – that's my boys' word for Fabulous & Spectacular! Love the title of the Scrapbook Layout…and I can see why…she's adorable! Great job!
so adorable.
Absolutely AMAZING – as usual! I LOVE the layout!!! Everything about it – the title, embelishments, photos, placement, DE's – EVERYTHING!!! Absolutely Amazing! :o)
Use the latest Geothermal Heat Pump Its a trend setter !
Wow, what great projects!
All of your projects are FABULOUS! I can't even begin to pick a favorite. The photos of you and your daughter are absolutely precious.
All great projects!!