Yummy Christmas Gifts

Hi All! Did you think I dropped off of the face of the Earth? I have been so preoccupied with Christmas preparations that I have neglected my poor blog and all of you my friends! I am so sorry.

I wanted to share the gifts that I gave to my neighbors this year. As most of you know, I am really not good in the kitchen and homemade (edible) goodies are not my forte. I actually tried it last year and attempted to make some peppermint brownies and what I thought was an easy Chex mix type thing. Indeed they were both easy to make, but they didn’t turn out too well. As I delivered them to my poor neighbors, I felt I had to apologize for their gift. So sad. LOL!Anyhoo, this year I opted to share one of my FAVORITE treats with my neighbors. They are Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Candies I found at Costco. Oh, they are just so good I really need to get the rest of them out of the house before I eat them all!

As I was creating the project for my September Creative Club, I had the idea that I could fill up the tins with candy and give them as gifts. That is exactly what I did. The CD tins came from Specialty Bottle and, as I mentioned, the candy came from Costco. I decorated the outside of the tins with cards from the Around the Holidays Card Kit. The best thing was that my gift doubled as a card.

Just look at that heavenly row of yummy chocolate.
Here is a picture of the chocolate bags so you know what to look for on your next Costco run. (wink)
I was able to write a little message to each family inside the attached card.

I hope to post a couple more things before Christmas so be sure to check back soon. *Ü*

9 thoughts on “Yummy Christmas Gifts”

  1. I LOVE this idea! Those circle cards are SO cute, yet they'd be so fast to put together in this busy time. Next year….
    Merry Christmas!

  2. I LOVE those candies! We don't have a COSTCO out here, but I found some similar at WalMart last year. Yum! And the justification goes something like this – "well, both dark chocolate and poms are GOOD for you, so I'm eating these for my health!"
    Merry Christmas!!


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