Quick surgery update and mini backpack info…

Just checking in to give you a quick update. THANK YOU all so much for your sweet emails, comments, and prayers! I definitely felt them today! Everything went great and praise God I didn’t get a bit nauseous! (Thanks for the tip Karen P!) If you are interested in more details, you can visit my family blog post here.

On a side note, I received a few emails asking how to make the cute backpack that Christine made for me. Since I haven’t made one myself, I had to do a little searching online for the instructions. I found this link that might be helpful. It looked like it had a few links to more samples and a template. Enjoy.

I promise to post some artwork soon and stop all my jibber jabbering! *Ü*

1 thought on “Quick surgery update and mini backpack info…”

  1. Praise God!! So glad to hear everything went well and no bad side effects. Woo Hoo!!

    Miss you already…..


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